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german exchange part 1: starting on a high note

My first adventure to embark on this year, was incredible. I was nervous about whether my partner was going to be cool and awkward. Luckily I got the best partner ever, he's as eccentric as me and loves to take pictures and film like me, we got a tight friendship going now! But it wasn't just my partner that was cool, every one the other germans were so nice and funny. Everyone became everyone's partner and it was beautiful. We went to a bog farm, zip lining, Howth and a medieval museum . The most fun was at each other's houses where we had the most enjoyment and became ourselves truly there.

The thing that amazed me most was the 10 of us that went from Ireland, I only knew about 4 going into it really well but when I came out at the end, I knew all of them so much more and they are actually a lot of fun and more interesting than what I had thought before. Guys if you're reading this, you know who you are!

I can't wait for part two, I have no idea what could possibly happen, but I do know that it will be great!

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